Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Myths...


The stories of Norse gods and goddesses have been passed down through generations and generations. The sources of these stories are the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda. Both from Iceland, Poetic Edda is a collection of Norse poems and Prose Edda is written by prose style. It is believed that Poetic Edda comes before the Prose Edda.

In Norse mythology, Odin is the supreme god, he is chief of all gods and he rules the universe. His son is Thor! In the movie, Odin is played by Anthony Hopkins, and Thor is played by Chris Hemsworth. Both made their characters come to life very well!               


Thor is the strongest of all gods and it was thought that he was very ill tempered. He ruled the storms. To him oak trees are sacred and he is also deals with the protection of mankind. Thor would ride in a chariot pulled by two goats through the clouds. He would eat the goats when he pleased and would resurrect them again. When he would ride through the clouds, the noise of the wheels and the sparks from his hammer are what we humans would call thunder and lightning. Thor was married to the goddess Sif, who had golden hair. Thor was also the principal war god and he was armed with the mighty hammer we all know of. It is called Mjolnir. When it was hurled at enemies, it would come back to Thor’s hand automatically. Thor would wear a belt which would double his strength and iron gloves that would increase his efficiency in handling Mjolnir. In Norse mythology Thor’s last battle was with a monstrous serpent during the Ragnorak. He defeats the serpent but sadly he dies of its venom.                                                                                                                                              


Sunday, May 22, 2011


I personally love DC and Marvel comics. My favourite is Batman. But I never like superhero movies. They may do well in the box office, but I mean I never get the same feeling as the comics. The cartoons portray them way better. I have never found a good match in the movies either. I am not saying that the actors acted bad, no, they played their parts really well, but none of them look like them! Come on, Christian Bale was too skinny, Tobey Maguire was too small, and Brandon Routh looked like Clark Kent still in Smallville studying in high school! Ah, and if only Robert Downey Jr. was a bit younger! Well what do you know; finally they decide to make a film about Thor, not the heroes that everyone always talks about, Superman, Spidey and who can forget the infamous Dark Knight?

First of all, the trailer of the movie was not so appealing. Never saw the actor before either. Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman and Idris Elba were only known by me. Expectations were not so high. Still I went to watch it with my boyfriend in 3D.

Came out of the theatres, all blown away!!! Best superhero movie EVER! I am not talking about box office success. If you consider all criteria, this superhero movie meets it all! And this is one of those movies where the trailer sucks compared to the movie! I had to google the actor- and Chris Hemsworth did an excellent job! He looks like Thor like crazy; he is the only actor who looked most like the superhero he played. No other actor pulled it off like him! I loved the humour in the movie. The 3D was well done; the special effects did not become corny for it. There was a bit of modification from the actual Thor comics, but hey, we can cut them some slack, all superhero movies do it a lot – and besides, the movie was too good! Had lots of fun watching it and was totally worth my money!

Everyone, go grab some popcorn and watch this in 3D! Trust me, you will enjoy it! For those of you who want to take your kids to a movie, this one is perfect. They will have fun and it is also very appropriate for watching with the whole family! I know you will love it!